Reasons why you can Training BJJ & How make it pay for itself.
Never Pay For Jiu-Jitsu Again!
You might not believe in it, but this is true.
The other day I (prof. Renato) attended a seminar, where the speaker said that: “ A Very Good Year Can Wash Off All The Bad Years” and I believe in it too.
Many of us want to learn Jiu-Jitsu, but finding it difficult to pay for its tuition, but why?
There are numerous reasons why we want to begin training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and let me name the most common according to my knowledge:
For Self Defense:
BJJ has been established to be one of the most successful hand to hand fighting system on the planet. It’s a great solution to defend or protect yourself on the streets and many want to learn it for self-defense purposes.
For Fitness:
Some want to be fit, be in better health & want to be stronger. Jiu Jitsu is a fun form of fighting that requires full body exercise without being aware of the workout, that is why they want to learn it for fitness purposes. It’s warm up, drills & the fighting will literally elevate your fitness. Many want to get in shape while learning this life-saving skills.
Learning Something New
While learning something new couold be scary, many people like the challenge and attempt to try martial arts. Learning & training BJJ can quickly sharp your brain and keep yourself young and also helps in building confidence in you.
BJJ allows you to do extremely well in an athletic endeavor. That is why some want to accelerate their Jiu Jitsu so that they can take part in highest level competitions. By competing in BJJ they want to empower themselves so that they can control their life.
Some want to paint their career throughout the martial arts. They want to paint their career as a stunt in the movies, and that is why they are learning different martial arts so that they can provide better services when they are performing.
Jiu Jitsu is not only a sport, it’s a way of life. While not everybody devotes their life to BJJ, for some this is really what makes them pleased. There are ways that you can turn your passion into your career to make a living and support yourself and your family.
The Teaching Route:
You can start teaching martial art, BJJ, fitness, and kickboxing classes, giving seminars and private lessons to a sustainable income.
Start your own academy
This is one of the most rewarding ways of making a living with BJJ. For this, as an instructor, you require upholding the BJJ values that you have learned all through your experience to give your students the best promising BJJ learning.
Become an instructor
This is the most challenging way to a sustainable career in BJJ. Because it is very difficult to be an acceptable teacher to earn & hold students in the long run.
There are numerous others way like you can turn yourself into the stunt, referee, competition organizer, you could work on the organization, you could be those guys behind the desk for changing the score, you could be those guys who actually put the mats down, start up the match, you could be anything.
These all are the byproduct for the battle minimal for you to make some money when you learn Jiu-Jitsu. This is actually the decision that you can make for living out of there. And not necessarily to let you go the first go they were together.
You need to put some time and effort to learn the battle minimal requirements to make a living and support yourself
This all can pride BJJ when you learn it.
So whenever you say Jiu-Jitsu is expensive, don’t have enough money, find it little too hard or too complicated paying for its tuition these all implies that you are making enough efforts to pay for it. Now you can find many- many ways to get the money to pay for your tuitions.
To achieve your goal you have to work a little hard which is the true sense of the martial arts.
So, it’s better for you to expose yourself as a person of hard work and not feeling that martial art is cheaper for you so that you can purchase it.That the sense of life that we want for our students.
So whenever you start receiving money from Jiu-Jitsu, it is the actual money that you invested in Jiu-Jitsu. It will come back to you if you start teaching or working related to Jiu-Jitsu. BJJ will repay for your time & effort spent someday.
So think about it, think about your children and go for it.