
How to avoid getting injured in BJJ!?

How to avoid getting injured in BJJ!?

Being injury-free and healthy is the most important thing if you want to have consistent and productive training sessions. Not only that injuries cause a lot of pain and problems but they slow down your progress and prevent you from doing what you love. The bad news...

Heelhooks – for Amateur or Professionals??

Heelhooks – for Amateur or Professionals??

By Prof. Martin Guggi Thinking about BJJ, talking with some friends about techniques and the evolution of our art one though came up: “Which techniques are for amateur athletes and which are for professional athletes?” Sparing in a gym is completely different thank...

School Culture – Prof. Renato Migliaccio/SAMPABJJ

School Culture – Prof. Renato Migliaccio/SAMPABJJ

We decided to write this article to explain our Culture to everyone at Sampa jiu jitsu, so everyone is at the same page including fitness students. it is imperative to abide to our rules and culture in order to everyone have the best time here. It is also OK to change...